Noninflammatory Joint Pain Assessment in Physiotherapy
Noninflammatory Joint Pain:
Noninflammatory joint pain (no redness, no warmth, no swelling) of unknown etiology can be caused by a wide range of pathologic conditions. Fibromyalgia, leukemia, sexually transmitted infections, artificial sweeteners, 5 9 “ 6 1 Crohn’s disease (also known as regional enteritis), and infectious arthritis are all possible causes of joint pain.
Joint pain in the presence of fatigue may be a red flag for anxiety, depression, or cancer. The client history and screening interview may help the therapist find the true cause of joint pain. Look for risk factors for any of the listed conditions and review the client’s recent activities.
When comparing The therapist also evaluates On the other hand, The therapist can use the specific screening questions for joint pain to assess any joint pain of unknown cause or with an unusual presentation or history.
joint pain associated with systemic versus musculoskeletal causes, one of the major differences is in the area of associated signs and symptoms. Joint pain of a systemic or visceral origin usually has additional signs or symptoms present. The client may not realize there is a connection, or the condition may not have progressed enough lor associated signs and symptoms to develop.
Therapist Evaluation for Joint Pain:
joint pain over a 24-hour period. Joint pain from a systemic cause is more likely to be constant and present with all movements. Rest may help at first but over time even this relieving factor will not alter the symptoms. This is in comparison to the client with osteoarthritis (OA), who often feels better after rest (though stiffness may remain). Morning joint pain associated with OA is less than joint pain at the end of the day after using the joint(s) all day. muscle pain may be worse in the morning and gradually improves as the client stretches and moves about during the day. The Pain Assessment Record Form includes an assessment of these differences across a 24-hour span as part of the “Pattern.”
Joint pain and symptoms that do not fit the expected pattern for injury, overuse, or aging can be screened using a few important questions.
Screening Questions for Joint Pain:
- What kind of work do you do?
- Do you think your health problems are related to your work?
- Are your symptoms better or worse when you’re at home or at work?
- Follow up if worse at work: Do others at work have similar problems?
- Have you been exposed to dusts, fumes,chemicals, radiation, or loud noise?
- Follow up: It may be necessary to ask additional questions based on past history, symptoms, and risk factors present.
- Do you live near a hazardous waste site or any industrial facilities that give off chemical odors or fumes?
- Do you live in a home built more than 40 years ago? Have you done renovations or remodeling?
- Do you use pesticides in your home, on your garden, or on your pets?
- What is your source of drinking water?
- Chronology of jobs (type of industry, type of job,years worked)
- How new is the building you are working in?
- Exposure survey (protective equipment used,exposure to dust, radiation, chemicals, biologic hazards, physical hazards)
Joint pain as an allergic response, sometimes referred to as “serum sickness” can occur up to 6 weeks after taking a prescription drug (especially antibiotics). Joint pain is also a potential side effect of statins (e.g., Lipitor, Zocor). These are cholesterol-lowering agents. Noninflammatory Ulcerative colitis (UC) and regional enteritis (Infectious and noninfectious systemic causes of * Side effect of other medications such as * Sexually transmitted infections (* Other autoimmune disorders (e.g., systemic * Chronic liver disease (Drug induced Joint Pain:
joint pain is typical of a delayed allergic reaction. The client may report fever, skin rash, and fatigue that go away when the drug is stopped.
Chemical Exposure:
Likewise, delayed reactions can occur as a result of occupational or environmental chemical exposure. A work and/or military history may be required for anyone presenting with joint or muscle pain or symptoms of unknown cause. These clients can be mislabeled with a diagnosis of autoimmune disease or fibromyalgia. The alert therapist may recognize and report clues to help the client obtain a more accurate diagnosis.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD):
Crohn’s disease; CD) are accompanied by an arthritic component and skin rash in about 25% of all people affected by this inflammatory bowel condition.
Systemic Causes of Joint Pain:
joint pain can include, but are not limited to
* Allergic reactions (e.g., medications such as antibiotics)
statins, prolonged use of corticosteroids, aromatase inhibitors * Delayed reaction to chemicals or environmental factors
STIs) (e.g., HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea) * Infectious arthritis
* Infective endocarditis
* Recent dental surgery
* Lyme disease
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Leukemia
* Tuberculosis
* Acute rheumatic fever lupus erythematosus, mixed connective tissue disease, scleroderma, polymyositis)
* Inflammatory bowel disease (e.g., Crohn’s disease or regional enteritis)
* Anxiety or depression (major depressive disorder)
* Fibromyalgia
* Artificial sweeteners hepatic osteodystrophy affecting wrists and ankles; hepatitis causing arthralgias)
Joint pain (either inflammatory or noninflammatory) can be associated with a wide range of systemic causes including bacterial or
Joint Pain in Arthritis:
viral infection, trauma, and sexually transmitted diseases. There is usually a positive history or other associated signs and symptoms to help the therapist identify the need for medical referral.
Joint pain can be a local response to an infection. This is called infectious, septic, or bacterial arthritis. Invading microorganisms cause inflammation of the synovial membrane with release of Joint problems usually respond to medical treatment of the underlying Joint Pain in Infectious Arthritis:
cytokines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1) and proteases. The end result can be cartilage destruction even after eradicating the offending organism
Joint Pain Management:
bowel disease but in some cases require separate management. Interventions for the musculoskeletal involvement follow the usual protocols for each area affected and visit Physiotherapist to get relief from pain.
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